Teaching Practice

In the learning that I did, I used the TPS (Think Pair Share) model. I start the class with the “24” game, its about 10 minutes. 24 game is game where four numbers are given. Then students are required to think of operating these four number to produce 24. It is intended to encourage student enthusiasm. Then, I continued by giving a pretest to the students, around 10-15 minutes. This pretest aims to measure student’s abilities and knowledge regarding the material to be studied. Then, I explained the material to the student. After that, I instructed students to pair up with their respective peers, and then give some question to them. Students discuss solution of the problems given together with their partners. Then I went around to check their work. After all. After all pairs are finished with their work, I ask one of the students to write their results of their work in front of the class.and then, I gave an explanation and straightened out the solution to the problem given. After that, I ended the learning with the post test around 10-15 minute.

As for the problem that I experienced in teaching is the students difficulties in understanding the problem. If given the same type of problem but presented differently, students have difficulty answering the questions. Besides, based on this experience I realized how important preparation must be made by a teacher before starting teaching. Then, the choice of learning model is also very important. Both of these are very important and determine the success of the learning process.


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